Rules and Exceptions

These are the "Rules" of the world - the understandings by which the Arba and Nikan live their lives.

Each player character is an Exception to one of the rules. You should choose one for your character and note it on your character sheet. No two characters should break the same rule, so check with each other to see which one your friends are choosing.

You should also select one of the Traits listed after your Exception, and write that Trait on your sheet.

  • There is no one from outside The City. (I want to belong, or, I want to escape.)
  • No one who leaves The City comes back. (I want to show them all, or, I want to be left alone.)
  • No one has seen green grass or blue sky. (I want justice, or, I want to see beyond.)
  • No one leaves the Corporation. (I want to tear it down, or, I want justice, or, I want freedom.)
  • No one betrays their Family. (I want to be important, or, I want the truth, or, I want to be loved.)
  • There are no rich Nikan and no poor Family. (I want to be important, or, I want a better world. )
  • The world is earth, ice, lightning, and water. (I want to belong, or, I want to understand.)
  • Every process has a parent. (I want to be loved, or, I want to understand.)
  • No one worries about where things come from. (I want to understand, or, I want to show them all.)
  • No one thinks we're living in a simulation. (I want to escape, or, I want to show them all.)
  • No one can use an Exploit without their tools. (I want to be left alone, or, I want to show them all.)
  • Everyone has some shadow in their lives. (I want to understand, or, I want to be everyone's friend.)
  • All the old family names have been erased. (I want to tear it all down, or, I want the truth.)
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